Knitting tech editor, Aimée Hill, clad top to toe in her knitwear.

Who Am I?

Creativity is at the core of Well Knit Words. I’m Aimée Hill and I am a tech editor for knitwear designs.

After years of experience in editing words and numbers in educational, academic and fiction publishing, I’ve decided to bring that expertise to the world of fibre arts and knitwear designers. You know just as well that it is very difficult to tame knitting into a casual hobby. Tech editing your patterns is how it is creeping into every aspect of my life – the same way designing has crept into yours! Tech editing stitch counts and pattern charts just pleases my brain in a way that checking the numbers and tables in academic journals never did.

My favourite thing to knit is a good jumper. They’re a good medium for exploring new skills and techniques. Shawls are certainly growing on me, too! If I’m ever stuck on a long car journey, I’d be sure to bring a sock.

When I’m not knitting, I’m curled up in my usual knitting spot reading a book. If you have a favourite fantasy book or literary fiction you’d like to recommend, the to-be-read stack by my bed is always happy to grow. And just to prove that I do actually go outside, I’m a fair-weather gardener and love a good hike in the UK’s Peak District.

Do you use Ravelry? You can find me there as WellKnitWords.

You can see all of my WIPs and tangential hobbies on Instagram at aimeehillcraft.